Bike Helmet With Your Logo

Looking for some amazing, novel company swag for your team members and customers who ride a bike? Look no further - we're the first and only design company that offers small-batch customization on bicycle helmets with no minimums

We can make each helmet any background color of your choice + print your company logo in vinyl on both sides of the helmet. (Maximum logo size is roughly 3" x 3"). Prices begin at $95, but bulk discounts can apply to an order of 3 or more. Email us to request more details and any further customization options.

This helmet is hand-painted with acrylics and individually vinyl printed in our studio. It's also coated with a UV-protected varnish, making its surface scratch and water-resistant.

Each helmet comes with adjustable foam padding for the perfect fit. The S/M fits head circumferences 21" - 22.75" and the L/XL fits head circumferences 23" - 24.75".

As each helmet is made to order, this item will ship in 1-2 weeks. Bulk orders may take longer.

[The Ghostbusters helmet is a just a mock-up sample, and not for sale.]

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